The Law Office of Libby Banks has purchased Shepston Law Firm. Allyson Shepston Bibler will be of counsel with The Law Office of Libby Banks, but she is not accepting client appointments or phone calls. Allyson is excited about her sabbatical as she focuses on new endeavors.
All of Allyson’s former client files have been transferred to The Law Office of Libby Banks, and Libby and her wonderful team are on standby to help with estate planning and probate needs as necessary. As always and still, Allyson cares deeply about the clients that she has served, and this arrangement will serve anyone well who has worked with Allyson in the past; Libby can pick up where Allyson left off.
Libby Banks has Allyson’s full endorsement: she is a wonderful and skilled attorney with a fantastic legal team behind her. While the Law Office of Libby Banks, PLLC is willing to maintain your file and assist you with your planning needs, you are not required to work with them. You may request your files at any time and work with any attorney you choose. Allyson would like to thank you all for allowing her the opportunity to assist you with your legal needs; it has been her pleasure and sincere privilege to be your attorney, and she wishes you all a great day on purpose!
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